Fishing Creek Farms started operation in 1986 as a wholesale producer of large plant material. Since then, we have evolved into a landscape design and installation company with emphasis on restoration of older landscapes. The owner is a North Carolina Registered Landscape Contractor (#1525). Whether a one-hour consultation, plans, or installation, we can accommodate the needs of our customer. We also offer a full range of containers or can prepare your container garden for you.

Renee Long, Owner/Operator

Renee Anderson Long received her BS in Ornamental Horticulture from North Carolina State University in 1985. She is a Certified Plant Professional and a North Carolina Registered Landscape Contractor. She maintains both her Commercial Applicators License for pest control and nursery certification. She is a member of North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association, Green Industry Council, Urban Forestry Council and Friend of J.C. Raulston Arboretum.


  • North Carolina Nursery and Landscape Association
  • Urban Forestry Council
  • Green Industry Council


  • BS-Ornamental Horticulture NCSU
  • North Carolina Registered Landscape Contractor
  • NC Commercial Pesticide Applicator License (Landscape and Turf)
  • Certified Plant Professional

Latest Post

February 5, 2024
Why Hire a Garden Designer

Why Hire a Garden Designer Unless you have a good knowledge of plants (mature size, soil and sun requirements, form, texture, and color), your climate, traffic flow through a property (foot and cars/equipment), and basic design principles, it’s almost always CHEAPER TO HIRE A GARDEN DESIGNER THAN TO WING IT. I start with this because […]